Here's my REALbasic programming related files (plugins, classes, etc.).
You'll find MagiCMac related information on this dedicated page now.
Files and information related to using the Macintosh.
Files and information related to programming the Macintosh. (text format)
Java source code that shows how to use modal dalogs without locking the system. Note:Works only in applications, not in applets.Tested on Macintosh (Metrowerks Java), Windows (Sun JDK 1.0.2) and Solaris (JDK 1.0.2).
ZyXEL Modem Scripts v1.2 (unpack with Stuffit Expander)
A collection of Modem Scripts for ZyXEL modems (including ISDN). Modem Scripts are used with "Apple Remote Access" (ARA 2.1) and "Open Transport/PPP" (OT/PPP).
Alles Beenden (Macintosh) Version 1.2
Quits all running foreground applications.
Megamax Modula-2 development system (3.1 MB)
Megamax Modula-2 for ATARI ST computers - the complete package directly from my hard disk.Developed in the late 80s by Thomas Tempelmann and Manuel Chakravarty.
Some years ago, this package was distributed by Application Systems Heidelberg. Now it is freeware.
This package not only includes all the distribution files, but also the source code for any of the included programs (linker, editors, compiler and all library modules).
German language only!
The documentation is not included in this archive - see next two files.
Documentation for Megamax Modula-2 in Signum!2 format (.SDO)
The documentation that came printed on paper with the MM2 distribution.
German language only!You need the Signum!2 application (or a newer version) in order to read and print these files. If you don't have Signum, you should use the next file instead.
Documentation for Megamax Modula-2 in plain text format
The documentation that came printed on paper with the MM2 distribution.
German language only!The files contain plain text only (formatted).
Screenshots extracted from the SDO docs, in PNG format.
These screenshots from the Signum docs were converted by Daniel G. Seiler into PNG format.
TempleMon with Source Code (640 KB)
TempleMon is a Low-Level Debugger and Disassembler for ATARI ST Systems. Comes with source code (requires Megamax Modula-2).
German language only!Updated 4 Aug 2015, fixing an error in the zip file (the LIESMICH file is gone now, though)
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