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Not Impressed, Apple, any more!I grew up with the Apple ][, learned a lot from it. Then worked for a while with the Atari ST system because I could not afford a Mac. Had to make the move when Atari went down, so I helped bringing a lot of Atari ST users over to the Mac (with MagiCMac, for which I wrote the essential VM), saving them from Windows. I believed in Apple "Human Interface Design Team", still today referring others to some of its most basic paradigms, I gave feedback at WWDC sessions which Apple really listened to and applied (e.g. turning the Ethernet sockets upside down for easier access to the clips which was a pain on the 7600, amoung others), and when I contacted DTS, I got resolutions. Recently, though, this all went downhill. Many of the bugs reports that are affecting my apps or end uses, with no work-around, such as bugs in search_fs on OSX Server, in Lion's Finder or with Sandboxing don't even get looked at, it appears. Things that are very clear bugs, and if someone showed me the code I could point out the error with a blindfold on, that obvious are they. To relieve some pressure, I'll share a few of my grievances here: ... TBC |