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Using Arbed with Tower for comparing projects

You can set up the Version Control software Tower to use Arbed as a diff viewer for Real Studio project files:

As documented on the Tower page for Diff & Merge Tools, two files and a folder have to be created for this.

I've prepared the necessary files, you can download them here: Tower-Diff-Script.zip

For Tower version 1 do this:

  • Open the Tower folder at: ~/Library/Application Support/Tower (you can use the Finder's "Go to Folder..." command and paste the path in there)
  • Place the file CompareTools.plist and the folder CompareScripts directly into this folder.
  • Launch Tower, open its Preferences, switch to the Git Config tab and select Arbed under Preferred Diff Tool:.

For Tower version 2 do this:

  • Open the Tower folder at: ~/Library/Application Support/com.fournova.Tower2 (you can use the Finder's "Go to Folder..." command and paste the path in there)
  • Place the folder CompareScripts directly into this folder.
  • Create a new folder "CompareTools" inside "com.fournova.Tower2".
  • Place the file CompareTools.plist into the "CompareTools" folder.
  • Launch Tower, open its Preferences, switch to the Git Config tab and select Arbed under Preferred Diff Tool:.

With that, you can have Arbed show the differences of a RB Project file by right-clicking on it in Tower, then selecting Diff Staged to Unstaged in Diff-Tool from the contextual menu. Note, however, that this option is currently (Tower 1.4.15) only available for uncommitted files but not for files listed under the Browse or Commits tabs. I've contacted their support asking to add that Diff operation there, too. You might do the same to increase demand for it.

Page last modified on 2015-08-10, 14:41 UTC (do)
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